Developers webPOS API
API Version1.0
The ChainsidePay APIs are HTTP-based RESTful APIs that use OAuth 2.0 for authorization. API request and response bodies are formatted in JSON.
Payment Orders Overview
A payment order can be in one of the following states:
When a payment order changes its state, one or more of the following callback events is sent to the merchant WebPOS:
Payment Flow
Payment Order State Machine
The transitions on the state machines are associated to the following conditions and events:
1. The payment order receives enough confirmed bitcoin transactions to cover for its required amount.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS - If the payment order received more bitcoin than its required amount, the
callback event is also sent to the merchant WebPOS
2. Some of the bitcoin transactions paying the payment order lose confirmations.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS
3. The payment order regains enough confirmed bitcoin transactions to cover for its required amount.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS
4. The payment order does not regain enough confirmed bitcoin transactions to cover for its required amount before the Chargeback timeout.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS - If the payment order received at least one bitcoin transaction, the
callback event is also sent to the merchant WebPOS
5. The buyer cancels the payment order through the Checkout Page.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS - If the payment order received at least one bitcoin transaction, the
callback event is also sent to the merchant WebPOS
6. The payment order does not receive enough confirmed bitcoin transactions to cover for its required amount before the Expiration timeout.
- The
callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS - If the payment order received at least one bitcoin transaction, the
callback event is also sent to the merchant WebPOS
Payment Order States
The Chargeback, Expired, and Cancelled states are final states, meaning that a payment order will never move to another state.
A Pending payment order may have received some bitcoin transactions, but the amount of confirmed bitcoin transactions is not enough to cover for its required amount.
All new payment orders start in the Pending state.
If the payment order does not receive enough confirmed bitcoin transactions before the Expiration timeout, it will go to the Expired state.
A Paid payment order has received enough confirmed bitcoin transactions to cover for its required amount.
Network Dispute
A payment order in the Network Dispute state has reached the Paid state in the past, i.e., it received the requested number of confirmations, but later lost confirmations or some bitcoin transactions.
If the payment order in Network Dispute receives enough confirmations to be considered Paid, the dispute will be resolved and the payment order will go back to the Paid state.
If the payment order does not receive enough confirmations before the Chargeback timeout, it will go to the Chargeback state.
A payment order in the Chargeback state was a payment order in Network Dispute that did not receive enough confirmations to be considered Paid before the Chargeback timeout.
A Cancelled payment order was cancelled by the buyer through the Checkout Page.
An Expired payment order did not reach the Paid state before the Expiration timeout.
Expiration Timeout
A payment order can expire in two conditions:
- the payment order did not receive enough bitcoin transactions to cover for the amount within 15 minutes from its creation;
- the payment order did receive enough bitcoin transactions to cover for the amount within 15 minutes from its creation, but not all bitcoin transactions reached the Confirmed state within 30 days from its creation.
Chargeback Timeout
A payment order can reach the Chargeback state in two conditions:
- at least one bitcoin transaction paying the payment order was reverted, and no other bitcoin transaction covered for its required amount within 24 hours;
- no bitcoin transaction paying the payment order was reverted, but not all bitcoin transactions paying the payment order reached the Confirmed state within 30 days from its creation.
Payment Order Events
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order enters the Paid state for the first time.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order expires.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order is cancelled by the buyer through the Checkout Page.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order enters the Network Dispute state.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order exits the Network Dispute state and goes back to the Paid state.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when a payment order exits the Network Dispute state and goes to the Chargeback state.
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS if any of the following conditions is met:
- a payment order that is already in a "final state" (Paid, Cancelled, Chargeback, Expired) receives a new transaction (a new callback is sent *for every* addictional one; that means you can receive a callback also after months the payment order has entered the final state);
- a payment order enters the Paid state receiving more bitcoins than its total amount (you will receive a payment.completed callback first and then a payment.overpaid)
This callback event is sent to the merchant WebPOS when the transaction id of a bitcoin transaction paying a Paid payment order changes.
Bitcoin Transaction States
An unconfirmed bitcoin transaction has not yet received the requested number of confirmations.
A confirmed bitcoin transaction has received the requested number of confirmations.
A reverted bitcoin transaction is a bitcoin transaction that appeared on the bitcoin network but was later pushed out by a competing bitcoin transaction.
Api Overview
Chainside Apis are available either in a live or sandbox environment. Environments hostnames are:
Default Headers
The following headers must be included in every request:
Header | Description |
X-api-version | Api version to be used (follows the one of the documentation) |
The following headers will be included in every response:
Header | Description |
Access-Control-Allow-Origin | Origin allowed to perform the request |
Access-Control-Allow-Methods | Methods allowed for the request |
Access-Control-Allow-Headers | Headers allowed for the request |
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials | Whether the request can be performed using credentials (Cookies/Authorization Header/TLS client certificates) |
X-RateLimit-Limit | Number of allowed requests per second |
X-RateLimit-Remaining | Number of remaining allowed requests per second |
X-RateLimit-Reset | Remaining time (in seconds) for the rate limits to reset |
Validation Rules
Validation Rule | Description |
alpha |
The value must contain only alphabetic characters |
alphadash |
The value must contain only alphabetic or dash (-) characters |
alphanum |
The value must be alphanumeric |
between |
The value must be in the given range |
betweenlen |
The value's length must be in the given range |
decimal |
The value must represent a decimal number. The value can have at most 21 digits for the integer part and 2 digits for the decimal part (i.e 999999999999999999999.99) and must be separated with a dot (.) |
equals |
The value must be equal to the given one |
equals_to |
The value must be equal to the one of the given object field |
hex |
The value must be hexadecimal |
in |
The value must be one of the given list ov values |
len |
The value's len must be of the given one |
max |
The value must not exceed the given maximum |
maxlen |
The value's length must not exceed the given maximum |
min |
The value must not be lower than the given minimum |
minlen |
The value's length must not be lower than the given minimum |
nullable |
The value can be null |
nullable_if |
The value can be null if the given condition applies |
regex |
The value must be conform to the given regex |
required |
The value is required |
Some endpoints requires pagination on responses. Paged responses will return only a subset of the total items. To query the complete set of the requested items, clients will need to set dynamically request parameters and retrieve all of the pages. Endpoints which requires pagination can be identified and contacted in the following way:
The following query parameters can be set to query paged requests
Param | Description |
page | The requested page index (default: 0) |
page_size | Number of items to be returned per page (default: 20, max: 40) |
sort_by | The field to perform sorting on (default: 'created_at') |
sort_order | Ordering for the sorting (default: 'desc') |
The following parameters will be included in the paged responses
Param | Description |
total_items | Total number of items |
total_pages | Total number of pages given the requested page size |
Authentication is performed using the Oauth2 protocol. A guest login must be performed prior to any unhauthenticated request.
Every authenticated request should be performed after a login request.
Authenticated request are tagged as Authenticated.
A login request should carry an Authorization: Basic
header where the value is computed as: base64encode(client_id:client_secret)
Webposes client id and secret are available in the business panel selecting the created webpos.
A refresh token is not included in the responses. On session expirations, the client must perform again the login.
Confirmation, Cancellation and Callback urls
By default, the urls specified on webpos creation are used to redirect the user/send callbacks on payment order status changes. These urls can be overridden on payment order creation in the request body and are the following:
Url contacted for every callback related to a payment-order status change.
Url on which the user is redirected when the payment order is paid.
Url on which the user is redirected upon payment order cancellation.
When a payment order is created, these urls can be overrided.
As for the continue and cancel url, when chainside redirects the user on these urls, a query parameter ?payment_id is appended carrying the uuid of the payment order which can be used for retrieval.
We have SDKs for PHP and Python. They are accessible at the following links:
Endpoints to handle authentication
Client Credentials Login
Endpoint to sign in the system
Tags: Authenticating
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Possible Errors
Code Example
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Client;
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Objects\ClientCredentials;
$client = new Client([
'mode' => 'live',
'client_id' => 'CLIENT_ID',
'secret' => 'SECRET'
$clientCredentials = new ClientCredentials([
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
'scope' => '*'
$response = $client->clientCredentialsLogin()
from webpos_sdk.actions.factory import ChainsideFactory
from webpos_sdk.objects import ClientCredentials
from webpos_sdk.api_context import ChainsideApiContext
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
context = ChainsideApiContext(config)
login_action = ChainsideFactory(context).make('login')
login_action.client_credentiials = ClientCredentials(grant_type='client_credentials', scope='*')
response =
access_token = response.access_token
# Using the client object, login is executed automatically
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
c = Client(config) # Performs the client credentials login automatically
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
// Client instantiation automatically performs the login and stores the access token in cache
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
Endpoint to handle payment orders
Delete Payment Order
Endpoint to cancel a payment order
Tags: Authenticated
URI params | |
payment_order_uuid |
Validation Rules required |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
cancel_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// required |
Possible Errors
Code Example
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Client;
$context = new Client([
'mode' => 'live',
'client_id' => 'CLIENT_ID',
'secret' => 'SECRET'
$response = $client->deletePaymentOrder()
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
client.delete_payment_order(payment_order_uuid='{uuid of the payment order to be cancelled}')
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
Get Payment Order
Endpoint to retrieve a payment order
Tags: Authenticated
URI params | |
payment_order_uuid |
Validation Rules required |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules required |
amount |
Fiat's amount of the payment order Validation Rules decimal required |
btc_amount |
Bitcoin amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// |
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_by |
Data of the pos which created the payment order Validation Rules required |
currency |
Fiat currency of the payment order Validation Rules required |
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules nullable |
expiration_time |
Expiration date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// |
reference |
Business' reference for the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules required |
resolved_at |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
dispute_start_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
chargeback_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
state |
Current payment state of the payment order Validation Rules required |
transactions |
Transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
uri |
Bitcoin uri Validation Rules required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
Possible Errors
Code Example
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Client;
$client = new Client([
'mode' => 'live',
'client_id' => 'CLIENT_ID',
'secret' => 'SECRET'
$response = $client->getPaymentOrder()
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
payment_order = client.get_payment_order(payment_order_uuid='{uuid of the payment order to be cancelled}')
payment_address = payment_order.address
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.object.PaymentOrderRetrieval;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
PaymentOrderRetrieval payment = client.getPaymentOrder("{payment_order_uuid}");
Get Payment Orders
Endpoint to retrieve all business' payment orders
Tags: Authenticated
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
paymentorders |
Business' payment orders Validation Rules required nullable |
total_pages |
Total number of pages given the requested page size Validation Rules required |
total_items |
Total number of items Validation Rules required |
Possible Errors
Create Payment Order
Endpoint to create a new payment order
Tags: Authenticated
Body Parameters | |
amount |
Payment order's fiat amount Validation Rules required decimal |
cancel_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment order expiration/cancellation Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// nullable maxlen: 300 |
continue_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// nullable maxlen: 300 |
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// nullable maxlen: 300 |
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules maxlen: 300 nullable |
reference |
Business' reference of the payment order Validation Rules maxlen: 300 nullable |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules min: 0 nullable |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules regex: ^ required |
amount |
Crypto amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expiration_time |
Expiration's date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration's time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// required nullable |
uri |
Bitcoin uri according to BIP 21 ( Validation Rules regex: ^ required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules nullable |
reference |
Payment Order reference Validation Rules nullable |
Possible Errors
Code Example
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Client;
use Chainside\SDK\WebPos\Objects\PaymentOrderCreation;
$client = new Client([
'mode' => 'live',
'client_id' => 'CLIENT_ID',
'secret' => 'SECRET'
$paymentOrder = new PaymentOrderCreation([
'amount' => '10.00',
'cancel_url' => '',
'continue_url' => '',
'details' => 'details',
'reference' => 'reference',
'required_confirmations' => 6
$response = $client->createPaymentOrder()
from webpos_sdk.objects import PaymentOrder
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
payment_order = PaymentOrder(amount='10.00',
response = client.create_payment_order(payment_order)
btc_address = response.address
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.object.CallbackList;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
PaymentOrderCreation paymentOrder = new PaymentOrderCreation();
paymentOrder.setDetails("#1 details");
PaymentOrderCreationResponse resp = client.createPaymentOrder(paymentOrder);
String btcAddress = resp.address // will output the payment order address
Every Callback Request expects a 2xx response from the webpos callback url. For every different response status code, the callback will be sent again with a delay until a success response is received or ~48h passed from the first sent request
Callback Request
Header Parameters | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Chainside-Signature | <signature> |
Body Parameters | |
event |
Event which triggered the callback Validation Rules required equals: payment.cancelled |
created_at |
Date in which the callback was sent Validation Rules required |
object_type |
Type of the object sent in the callback Validation Rules required nullable |
object |
Payments' callbacks carry a chainside-signature header. This signature is computed using HMAC-SHA512 where the signed data is the raw request body and the key is computed as SHA256({webpos_secret})
Callback Events
event | payment.cancelled |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.overpaid |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.expired |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.dispute.start |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.chargeback |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.completed |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
event | payment.dispute.end |
object | CallbackPaymentOrder |
The api server exposes endpoints in the sandbox mode to test the integration with the chainside backend via api requests. In testing environments, fake bitcoin transactions are generated and callback requests are sent due to payments status changes. To perform a test, the following steps must be performed:
- Create a webpos on the sandbox api (via business panel)
- Create a payment order on the sandbox api using the credentials of the sandbox webpos
- Contact testing endpoints to update the payment state triggering the sending of callback requests from the chainside api server to the provided callback url
Endpoints for sandbox testing are tagged with the "Sandbox-Testing" tags. Here is an overview:
- Get Payments Callbacks Retrieves the available callbacks accordingly to the current payment state
- Payment Order status update Updates the payment state and triggers the callback request
- Reset Test Payment Resets the payment order to the starting state
When a payment update is triggered, transactions are generated to update the paid amount on the payment order accordingly to the triggered event. The payment-order can then be retrieved and generated transactions are returned.
When a payment reset occurs, every generated transaction is deleted
Payment orders created in sandbox mode does not expire within the usual expiration time window; the callback 'payment.expired' can be triggered during the testing, updating the payment order state
Sandbox payment orders are deleted automatically after 30 days since the creation
Endpoints for testing payment orders callbacks
Get Payment Callbacks
Endpoint to retrieve the possible sent callbacks based on legal payment's state transitions
Tags: Authenticated Sandbox-Testing
URI params | |
payment_order_uuid |
Validation Rules required |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
callbacks |
Valid payment transitions callbacks Validation Rules required |
Possible Errors
Code Example
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
# returns the list of available callbacks given the payment order state
callback_list = client.get_callbacks('{payment_order_uuid}')
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.object.CallbackList;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
// will return the list of available callbacks given the payment order state
CallbackList validCallbacks = client.getCallbacks("{payment_order_uuid}");
Reset Test Payment
Endpoint to reset a payment order to its initial state
Tags: Authenticated Sandbox-Testing
URI params | |
payment_order_uuid |
Validation Rules required |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters | |
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules required |
amount |
Fiat's amount of the payment order Validation Rules decimal required |
btc_amount |
Bitcoin amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// required |
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_by |
Data of the pos which created the payment order Validation Rules required |
currency |
Fiat currency of the payment order Validation Rules required |
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules required nullable |
expiration_time |
Expiration date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex[https_url]: ^https:// required |
reference |
Business' reference for the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules required |
resolved_at |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
dispute_start_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
chargeback_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
state |
Current payment state of the payment order Validation Rules required |
transactions |
Transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
uri |
Bitcoin uri Validation Rules required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
Possible Errors
Code Example
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
# resets the test payment to its initial state
callback_list = client.payment_reset('{payment_order_uuid}')
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
client.paymentReset("{payment_order_uuid}"); // will restore the payment order to its initial state
Payment order status update
Endpoint to change a payment order status and trigger callbacks
Tags: Authenticated Sandbox-Testing
URI params | |
payment_order_uuid |
Validation Rules required |
Body Parameters | |
callback |
Name of the callback to be sent Validation Rules required |
Code Example
from webpos_sdk.client import Client
from webpos_sdk.objects import PaymentUpdateObject
config = {'mode': 'live',
'client_id': '{webpos_client_id}',
'secret': '{webpos_secret}'}
client = Client(config)
# will trigger the callback relative to the payment.completed event
payment_update_body = PaymentUpdateObject("payment.completed")
client.payment_update("{payment_order_uuid}", payment_update_body)
import net.webpossdk.api.ChainsideClient;
import net.webpossdk.objects.PaymentUpdateObject;
HashMap config = new HashMap<>();
config.put("mode", "sandbox");
config.put("clientId", "{webpos_client_id}");
config.put("secret", "{webpos_secret}");
ChainsideClient client = new ChainsideClient(config);
PaymentUpdateObject paymentUpdateObject = new PaymentUpdateObject();
client.paymentUpdate("{payment_order_uuid}", paymentUpdateObject); // will trigger the sending of a "payment.completed" callback
Primitive Types
Primitive Types List
- string
- boolean
- integer
Custom Types
Date field
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | 2018-01-12 11:23:43 |
Represents a Universally Unique IDentifier v4 (RFC4122), it is a 128-bit number represented as a string of 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
Email field
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | |
Base 64 encoded string
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | None |
Base 58 encoded string
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | None |
Url field
Base Type | string |
regex |
Example | |
Data required to perform a confidential client login
grant_type |
Oauth2 Authorization's grant type Validation Rules equals : client_credentials
required |
scope |
Oauth2 scope of the client's authorization Validation Rules in : *
required |
{"_name": "client_credentials", "_schema": {"grant_type": {"description": "Oauth2 Authorization\u0027s grant type", "rules": ["equals:client_credentials", "required"], "type": "string"}, "scope": {"description": "Oauth2 scope of the client\u0027s authorization", "rules": ["in:*", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Data required to perform a confidential client login", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"grant_type": {"description": "Oauth2 Authorization\u0027s grant type", "rules": ["equals:client_credentials", "required"], "type": "string"}, "scope": {"description": "Oauth2 scope of the client\u0027s authorization", "rules": ["in:*", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Response data for a login performed by a confidential client.
access_token |
User's access token Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Token's expiration time Validation Rules required |
id_token |
Jwt Token containing identity's informations Validation Rules regex : ^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$
required |
token_type |
Token's type Validation Rules equals : Bearer
required |
scope |
Authorization's scope Validation Rules nullable |
{"_name": "client_credentials_login_response", "_schema": {"access_token": {"description": "User\u0027s access token", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "expires_in": {"description": "Token\u0027s expiration time", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "id_token": {"description": "Jwt Token containing identity\u0027s informations", "rules": ["regex:^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$", "required"], "type": "string"}, "scope": {"description": "Authorization\u0027s scope", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "token_type": {"description": "Token\u0027s type", "rules": ["equals:Bearer", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Response data for a login performed by a confidential client.", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"access_token": {"description": "User\u0027s access token", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "expires_in": {"description": "Token\u0027s expiration time", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "id_token": {"description": "Jwt Token containing identity\u0027s informations", "rules": ["regex:^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$", "required"], "type": "string"}, "scope": {"description": "Authorization\u0027s scope", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "token_type": {"description": "Token\u0027s type", "rules": ["equals:Bearer", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Payment order deletion response
cancel_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation Validation Rules regex : https_url
required |
{"_name": "payment_order_deletion_response", "_schema": {"cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}}, "description": "Payment order deletion response", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Payment order retrieval data
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules required |
amount |
Fiat's amount of the payment order Validation Rules decimal required |
btc_amount |
Bitcoin amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex : https_url
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_by |
Data of the pos which created the payment order Validation Rules required |
currency |
Fiat currency of the payment order Validation Rules required |
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules nullable |
expiration_time |
Expiration date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex : https_url
reference |
Business' reference for the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules required |
resolved_at |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
dispute_start_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
chargeback_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
state |
Current payment state of the payment order Validation Rules required |
transactions |
Transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
uri |
Bitcoin uri Validation Rules required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "payment_order_retrieval", "_schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "base58"}, "amount": {"description": "Fiat\u0027s amount of the payment order", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}, "btc_amount": {"description": " Bitcoin amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "chargeback_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_by": {"description": "Data of the pos which created the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(payment_order_creator)"}, "currency": {"description": "Fiat currency of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(currency_retrieval)"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "dispute_start_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": " Expiration time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"description": "Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(rate_retrieval)"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference for the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "resolved_at": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "state": {"description": "Current payment state of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(payment_order_state)"}, "transactions": {"description": "Transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array[transaction]"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Payment order retrieval data", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "base58"}, "amount": {"description": "Fiat\u0027s amount of the payment order", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}, "btc_amount": {"description": " Bitcoin amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "chargeback_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_by": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"active": {"description": "Wheter the creator active", "rules": [], "type": "boolean"}, "deposit_account": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "name": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s type", "rules": ["required", "in:web,mobile"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "currency": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Name of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Currency\u0027s type (fiat/crypto)", "rules": ["in:crypto,fiat", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "dispute_start_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": " Expiration time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference for the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "resolved_at": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "state": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["in:pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "in_confirmation": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "paid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s status", "rules": ["in:pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "unpaid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}}, "type": "object"}, "transactions": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["required", "in:mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "created_at": {"description": "", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "normalized_txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s normalized id (DEPRECATED)", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}, "outs": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["required"], "type": "array"}, "outs_sum": {"description": "Paying amount of the transaction", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s status", "rules": ["required", "in:unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s id", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Data of payment order's creator
deposit_account |
Deposit account associated to the payment order's creator Validation Rules required |
name |
Payment order creator's name Validation Rules required |
type |
Payment order creator's type Validation Rules required in : web,mobile
uuid |
Payment order creator's uuid Validation Rules required |
active |
Wheter the creator active |
{"_name": "payment_order_creator", "_schema": {"active": {"description": "Wheter the creator active", "rules": [], "type": "boolean"}, "deposit_account": {"description": "Deposit account associated to the payment order\u0027s creator", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(deposit_account_lite)"}, "name": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s type", "rules": ["required", "in:web,mobile"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Data of payment order\u0027s creator", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"active": {"description": "Wheter the creator active", "rules": [], "type": "boolean"}, "deposit_account": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "name": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s type", "rules": ["required", "in:web,mobile"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Deposit account lite object when sent nested in other api objects
name |
Deposit account's name Validation Rules required |
type |
Deposit account's type Validation Rules in : bank,bitcoin
required |
uuid |
Deposit account's uuid Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "deposit_account_lite", "_schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Deposit account lite object when sent nested in other api objects", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Currency Data
name |
Name of the currency Validation Rules required |
type |
Currency's type (fiat/crypto) Validation Rules in : crypto,fiat
required |
uuid |
UUID of the currency Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "currency_retrieval", "_schema": {"name": {"description": "Name of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Currency\u0027s type (fiat/crypto)", "rules": ["in:crypto,fiat", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Currency Data", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Name of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Currency\u0027s type (fiat/crypto)", "rules": ["in:crypto,fiat", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Rate Data
created_at |
Creation's date of the rate Validation Rules required |
source |
Exchange providing the rate Validation Rules required |
value |
Value of the rate Validation Rules decimal required |
from |
Starting currency for rate calculation |
to |
Target currency for rate calculation |
{"_name": "rate_retrieval", "_schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Rate Data", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Data describing the current state of a payment order
in_confirmation |
Payment order's paid but unconfirmed amount Validation Rules required nullable |
paid |
Payment order's paid amount Validation Rules required nullable |
status |
Payment order's status Validation Rules in : pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback
required |
blockchain_status |
Payment order's internal status Validation Rules in : pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback
required |
unpaid |
Payment order's unpaid amount Validation Rules required nullable |
{"_name": "payment_order_state", "_schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["in:pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "in_confirmation": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s paid but unconfirmed amount", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "object(paid_status)"}, "paid": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s paid amount", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "object(paid_status)"}, "status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s status", "rules": ["in:pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "unpaid": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s unpaid amount", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "object(paid_status)"}}, "description": "Data describing the current state of a payment order", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["in:pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "in_confirmation": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "paid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s status", "rules": ["in:pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "unpaid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Cryto and fiat paid amounts
crypto |
Cryto Amount Validation Rules required |
fiat |
Fiat Amount Validation Rules required decimal |
{"_name": "paid_status", "_schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Cryto and fiat paid amounts", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Bitcoin transaction paying a payment order
status |
Transaction's status Validation Rules required in : unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted
blockchain_status |
Transaction's internal status Validation Rules required in : mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted
created_at |
Validation Rules required |
normalized_txid |
Transaction's normalized id (DEPRECATED) Validation Rules len : 64
required |
outs |
Transaction's outputs Validation Rules required |
outs_sum |
Paying amount of the transaction Validation Rules required |
txid |
Transaction's id Validation Rules len : 64
required |
{"_name": "transaction", "_schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["required", "in:mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "created_at": {"description": "", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "normalized_txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s normalized id (DEPRECATED)", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}, "outs": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s outputs", "rules": ["required"], "type": "array[out]"}, "outs_sum": {"description": "Paying amount of the transaction", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s status", "rules": ["required", "in:unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s id", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Bitcoin transaction paying a payment order", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["required", "in:mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "created_at": {"description": "", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "normalized_txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s normalized id (DEPRECATED)", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}, "outs": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["required"], "type": "array"}, "outs_sum": {"description": "Paying amount of the transaction", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s status", "rules": ["required", "in:unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s id", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Transaction's output
amount |
Output's amount Validation Rules required |
n |
Transaction output's index Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "out", "_schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "description": "Transaction\u0027s output", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
List of Business' payment orders
paymentorders |
Business' payment orders Validation Rules required nullable |
total_pages |
Total number of pages given the requested page size Validation Rules required |
total_items |
Total number of items Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "payment_order_list", "_schema": {"paymentorders": {"description": "Business\u0027 payment orders", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "array[payment_order_retrieval]"}, "total_items": {"description": "Total number of items", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "total_pages": {"description": "Total number of pages given the requested page size", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "description": "List of Business\u0027 payment orders", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"paymentorders": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "base58"}, "amount": {"description": "Fiat\u0027s amount of the payment order", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}, "btc_amount": {"description": " Bitcoin amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "chargeback_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_by": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"active": {"description": "Wheter the creator active", "rules": [], "type": "boolean"}, "deposit_account": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "name": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s type", "rules": ["required", "in:web,mobile"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "currency": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Name of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Currency\u0027s type (fiat/crypto)", "rules": ["in:crypto,fiat", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "dispute_start_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": " Expiration time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference for the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "resolved_at": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "state": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["in:pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "in_confirmation": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "paid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s status", "rules": ["in:pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "unpaid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}}, "type": "object"}, "transactions": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["required", "in:mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "created_at": {"description": "", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "normalized_txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s normalized id (DEPRECATED)", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}, "outs": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["required"], "type": "array"}, "outs_sum": {"description": "Paying amount of the transaction", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s status", "rules": ["required", "in:unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s id", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array"}, "total_items": {"description": "Total number of items", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "total_pages": {"description": "Total number of pages given the requested page size", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Data required to create a new payment order
amount |
Payment order's fiat amount Validation Rules required decimal |
cancel_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment order expiration/cancellation Validation Rules regex : https_url
nullable maxlen : 300
continue_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment Validation Rules regex : https_url
nullable maxlen : 300
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex : https_url
nullable maxlen : 300
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules maxlen : 300
nullable |
reference |
Business' reference of the payment order Validation Rules maxlen : 300
nullable |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules min : 0
nullable |
{"_name": "payment_order_creation", "_schema": {"amount": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s fiat amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "continue_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["maxlen:300", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference of the payment order", "rules": ["maxlen:300", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["min:0", "nullable"], "type": "integer"}}, "description": "Data required to create a new payment order", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s fiat amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "continue_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "nullable", "maxlen:300"], "type": "url"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["maxlen:300", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference of the payment order", "rules": ["maxlen:300", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["min:0", "nullable"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Response data for a payment order creation request
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules regex : ^
required |
amount |
Crypto amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expiration_time |
Expiration's date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration's time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex : https_url
required nullable |
uri |
Bitcoin uri according to BIP 21 ( Validation Rules regex : ^
required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules nullable |
reference |
Payment Order reference Validation Rules nullable |
{"_name": "payment_order_creation_response", "_schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["regex:^", "required"], "type": "string"}, "amount": {"description": "Crypto amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration\u0027s date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": "Expiration\u0027s time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"description": "Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(rate_retrieval)"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required", "nullable"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Payment Order reference", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri according to BIP 21 (", "rules": ["regex:^", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Response data for a payment order creation request", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["regex:^", "required"], "type": "string"}, "amount": {"description": "Crypto amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration\u0027s date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": "Expiration\u0027s time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required", "nullable"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Payment Order reference", "rules": ["nullable"], "type": "string"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri according to BIP 21 (", "rules": ["regex:^", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Callback list object
callbacks |
Valid payment transitions callbacks Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "callback_list", "_schema": {"callbacks": {"description": "Valid payment transitions callbacks", "rules": ["required"], "type": "array[callback]"}}, "description": "Callback list object", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"callbacks": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Namespace of a callback sent after the related payment status\u0027 transition", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["required"], "type": "array"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Callback Retrieval object
name |
Namespace of a callback sent after the related payment status' transition Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "callback", "_schema": {"name": {"description": "Namespace of a callback sent after the related payment status\u0027 transition", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Callback Retrieval object", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Namespace of a callback sent after the related payment status\u0027 transition", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Callback's trigger request body
callback |
Name of the callback to be sent Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "payment_update_object", "_schema": {"callback": {"description": "Name of the callback to be sent", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}}, "description": "Callback\u0027s trigger request body", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"callback": {"description": "Name of the callback to be sent", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Payment order retrieval data
address |
Bitcoin address of the payment order Validation Rules required |
amount |
Fiat's amount of the payment order Validation Rules decimal required |
btc_amount |
Bitcoin amount of the payment order Validation Rules required |
cancel_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation Validation Rules regex : https_url
required |
continue_url |
The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment Validation Rules regex : https_url
required |
callback_url |
The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes Validation Rules regex : https_url
required |
created_at |
Creation date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
created_by |
Data of the pos which created the payment order Validation Rules required |
currency |
Fiat currency of the payment order Validation Rules required |
details |
Payment order's details Validation Rules required nullable |
expiration_time |
Expiration date of the payment order Validation Rules required |
expires_in |
Expiration time of the payment order Validation Rules required |
rate |
Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order Validation Rules required |
redirect_url |
URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment Validation Rules regex : https_url
required |
reference |
Business' reference for the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
required_confirmations |
Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules required |
resolved_at |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
state |
Current payment state of the payment order Validation Rules required |
transactions |
Transactions paying the payment order Validation Rules nullable required |
dispute_start_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
chargeback_date |
Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired Validation Rules required nullable |
uri |
Bitcoin uri Validation Rules required |
uuid |
UUID of the payment order Validation Rules required |
{"_name": "callback_payment_order", "_schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "base58"}, "amount": {"description": "Fiat\u0027s amount of the payment order", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}, "btc_amount": {"description": " Bitcoin amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "chargeback_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "continue_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_by": {"description": "Data of the pos which created the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(payment_order_creator)"}, "currency": {"description": "Fiat currency of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(currency_retrieval)"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "dispute_start_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": " Expiration time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"description": "Crypto/Fiat rate of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(rate_retrieval)"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference for the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "resolved_at": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "state": {"description": "Current payment state of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "object(payment_order_state)"}, "transactions": {"description": "Transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array[transaction]"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "description": "Payment order retrieval data", "expanded_schema": {"rules": [], "schema": {"address": {"description": "Bitcoin address of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "base58"}, "amount": {"description": "Fiat\u0027s amount of the payment order", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}, "btc_amount": {"description": " Bitcoin amount of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "callback_url": {"description": "The URL contacted to send callbacks related to payment status changes", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "cancel_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon payment order expiration/cancellation", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "chargeback_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "continue_url": {"description": "The URL where the user is redirected upon successful payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "created_at": {"description": "Creation date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "created_by": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"active": {"description": "Wheter the creator active", "rules": [], "type": "boolean"}, "deposit_account": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s type", "rules": ["in:bank,bitcoin", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Deposit account\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "name": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s name", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s type", "rules": ["required", "in:web,mobile"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "Payment order creator\u0027s uuid", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "currency": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"name": {"description": "Name of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "type": {"description": "Currency\u0027s type (fiat/crypto)", "rules": ["in:crypto,fiat", "required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the currency", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "details": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s details", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "string"}, "dispute_start_date": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expiration_time": {"description": "Expiration date of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "expires_in": {"description": " Expiration time of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "rate": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"created_at": {"description": "Creation\u0027s date of the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "from": {"description": "Starting currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "source": {"description": "Exchange providing the rate", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "to": {"description": "Target currency for rate calculation", "rules": [], "type": "string"}, "value": {"description": "Value of the rate", "rules": ["decimal", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "redirect_url": {"description": "URL where to redirect the user to perform the payment", "rules": ["regex[https_url]:^https://", "required"], "type": "url"}, "reference": {"description": "Business\u0027 reference for the payment order", "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "string"}, "required_confirmations": {"description": "Required confirmations for transactions paying the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "resolved_at": {"description": "Time at which either the payment order has been fully paid or is expired", "rules": ["required", "nullable"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "state": {"rules": ["required"], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["in:pending,partial,mempool_unconfirmed,unconfirmed,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,mempool_network_dispute,possible_chargeback,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "in_confirmation": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "paid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "status": {"description": "Payment order\u0027s status", "rules": ["in:pending,paid,cancelled,expired,network_dispute,chargeback", "required"], "type": "string"}, "unpaid": {"rules": ["nullable", "required"], "schema": {"crypto": {"description": "Cryto Amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "fiat": {"description": "Fiat Amount", "rules": ["required", "decimal"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}}, "type": "object"}, "transactions": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"blockchain_status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s internal status", "rules": ["required", "in:mempool,unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "created_at": {"description": "", "rules": ["required"], "type": "ISO_8601_date"}, "normalized_txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s normalized id (DEPRECATED)", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}, "outs": {"elements": {"rules": [], "schema": {"amount": {"description": "Output\u0027s amount", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "n": {"description": "Transaction output\u0027s index", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["required"], "type": "array"}, "outs_sum": {"description": "Paying amount of the transaction", "rules": ["required"], "type": "integer"}, "status": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s status", "rules": ["required", "in:unconfirmed,confirmed,reverted"], "type": "string"}, "txid": {"description": "Transaction\u0027s id", "rules": ["len:64", "required"], "type": "string"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": ["nullable", "required"], "type": "array"}, "uri": {"description": "Bitcoin uri", "rules": ["required"], "type": "string"}, "uuid": {"description": "UUID of the payment order", "rules": ["required"], "type": "uuid"}}, "type": "object"}, "rules": []}
Error List
Error Code | Type | HTTP Status Code | Description |
0001 | Validation Error |
422 Unprocessable Entity |
The request body is invalid. Further informations are available in the error response |
0013 | Invalid Callback |
422 Unprocessable Entity |
The requested callback is invalid for the current payment state |
1001 | Unauthorized Client |
401 Unauthorized |
Client performing the request is unauthorized (wrong client id/secret) |
1002 | Invalid Grant Type |
401 Unauthorized |
Grant type used to perform authentication not supported |
1004 | Access Token Expired |
401 Unauthorized |
The access token is expired |
1006 | Invalid Refresh Token |
401 Unauthorized |
The provided refresh token does not exist |
1007 | Invalid Access Token |
401 Unauthorized |
The provided access token does not exist |
1012 | Forbidden |
403 Forbidden |
The user has no permission to perform the request |
1013 | Invalid Scope |
401 Unauthorized |
The requested scope is invalid (either does not exist or is not available for the client) |
1018 | Invalid Realm |
401 Unauthorized |
Client is not authorized to perform requests on this realm (sandbox/live) |
2000 | Too Many Requests |
429 Too Many Requests |
Rate limit exceeded |
3001 | Not Found |
404 Not Found |
Requested resource does not exists |
3003 | Method Not Allowed |
405 Method Not Allowed |
The endpoint does not expose the requested http method |
3007 | Invalid Authorization Header |
401 Unauthorized |
The authorization header is malformed (Format: Authorization: Basic/Bearer {value}) |
3012 | Invalid Content Type Header |
412 Precondition Failed |
The Content Type header is invalid (either is malformed or its value is invalid for the request) |
3013 | Invalid Accept Header |
412 Precondition Failed |
The Accept header is invalid (either is malformed or its value is invalid for the request) |
4000 | Internal Server Error |
500 Internal Server Error |
An internal server error has occurred |
4003 | Rate Unavailable |
503 Service Unavailable |
An accurate Rate is unavailable |
4006 | Functionality Down |
503 Service Unavailable |
The functionality is temporarily down |
Error Responses
Error responses are returned in json format and they contain the following fields:
: The internal error code
: Short description of the error